
The Heart of the Tower

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe"
~ Proverbs 18:10 ~

I struggled in anguish
Alone in my sin,
As fiery darts
Pierced me within.
My life quickly crumbling,
Each step growing weak,
Yet, in my faint sight,
Refuge did I seek.

Then, lo! on a hillside
A light faintly glowed;
The light of a tower--
'Twas my only hope!
With all my weak strength
I ran to the door,
Shivering and broken
I cried to the Lord.

"Take me into
the heart of the tower;
Away from the battle,
Away from the foe.
Take me into
The heart of the tower;
The place I find refuge,
The heart of the Lord."

In mercy, He took me
And covered my shame;
In love, He embraced me
And healed all my pain;
In grace, He forgave me,
Now nothing I fear.
Outside battle rages,
But my Lord is near.

Though outside I hear the noise of strife
And wince at battle cries,
My heart finds peace, secure I rest
For my refuge is Christ.

Take me into
The heart of the tower;
Away from the battle,
Away from the foe.
Take me into
The heart of the tower,
The place I find refuge,
The heart of the Lord.

Copyright © Elisabeth Linzey 2015

* This is a song  

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