
The Tender Commandments

(Exodus 20:1-17)
1.) Other gods before Me
Thou shalt never have;
For I, alone, am He
Who doth from bondage save.

2.) Bow not unto, nor make
Any graven image;
For vengeance I will take
In love’s jealous revenge.

3.) Thou shalt not take My Name
In vain and flippant use;
For he who will profane,
From guilt will not be loose.

4.) Remember, now, the Sabbath
And keep it holy still;
Six days for him that worketh,
But on My Day be still.

5.) Thy father and thy mother—
Do honor them, sincere;
For what respect you offer
Will bring you blessing here.

6.) Thou shalt not ever kill
Or murder any life;
Such is against My will
And brings much grief and strife.

7.) Abstain from fornication
And adultery;
They are abomination—
Their charm is but paltry.

8.) Let not thyself to steal
Of that which isn’t thine;
To conscience right, appeal
And make thy greed resign.

9.) False witness of thy neighbor
Thou shalt never bear;
And you will have My favor
If truth you always share.

10.) Thou shalt not ever covet
That which is not thine;
For as thy greed would have it,
Idolatry will pine.

Commandments written in
The cold and hardened stone,
Ten laws to ne’r offend,
Ten you must do alone.

“A new heart I will give you,”
Now speaks the Father’s voice,
“A spirit soft and true;
My words will be your choice.   
(Ezekiel 36:26-27)

Abide in Me, My child,
And I’ll abide in you;
No good fruit can you yield
Nor My commandments do,

Except that by My grace,
As in My Word you trust;
And as you seek My face,
In Me your heart can rest.
(John 15:4-5)

Those Ten Laws I had given
Are from My heart of love;
Such Tender Laws from Heaven
Are valued up above.

1.) You have not chosen Me,
But I have chosen you
And I have ordained thee
To love and bring forth fruit.
(John 15:9-10, 16)
Seek not another god,
For there is none like Me
Who formeth clay and sod
To make a vessel free.

2.) These things I speak to you
That in Me you might have joy,
For I, alone, am true,
No fears need you employ.
(John 15:11)
Man’s images are feeble,
Sad are the ones they’ve lured,
But happy are the people
Whose Father is the LORD.
(Psalm 144:15)

3.) Peace I leave with you;
Not as the world would give,
For their peace is found through
The thoughts they might conceive.
(John 14:27-28)
They find their power in
Trampling My Name;
But unto My children
I give My power’s claim.
(John 15:7)

4.) And here remains a rest
Unto the laborer,
Where nothing can molest,
Here by the dear Savior.
(Hebrews 4:9-11)
For in longsuffering
I am your Sabbath sweet,
I know your deepest need,
And offer safe retreat.
(Hebrews 4:14-16)

5.) Then, honorable of heart,
Esteem authorities,
In gentleness impart
Respectful qualities.
(Titus 3:1-2)
Give honor unto those
Who are placed over you—
Your father, mother both;
My Word hath said it true.
(Ephesians 6:1-3; I Thessalonians 5:12-13)

6.) Oh, do not hoard My goodness
 To practice self-revenge,
For hatred is not harmless,
And murder is a sin.
Be swift to share with all
My gift of love and grace—
To the beggar by the mall
Or the brother full of hate.
(I John 3:11-15)

7.) Flee dangerous youthful lusts,
Enticing wickedness;
Through thine own soul they’ll thrust
A dagger of regrets.
(James 1:13-16)
But follow after faith
And purity of heart;
To those who walk My way,
Will good gifts I impart.
(James 1:12,17; II Timothy 2:22)

9.) The foe, deceiving foe,
Is father of all lies,
He thirsts for you to fall
Into his trap to die.
(John 8:44b)
But ye are set apart
To shine the light of truth;
With meekness in your heart,
Share what is right and true.
(Ephesians 4:29-30)

8, 10.) Would you but grieve your Lord
By acting as a fool,
To covet, steal, and hoard,
When I have given food? 
In temperance, then receive
My blessings gratefully;
Thee will I never leave—
You’re Mine eternally.
(Hebrews 13:5)

Copyright © Elisabeth Linzey 2015

1 comment:

  1. Grandmama3/25/2015

    Oh, Elisabeth! As I was reading the first part, I was feeling burdened by the law, but the the weight was lifted as I read on about my gentle Savior and what He has done for me and given me instructions about how to follow Him. Thank you for refreshing my soul and spirit today!
